Rock Garden Bugs

These adorable little rocks are perfect for your garden, inside potted plants, on your child’s dresser or they make perfect paper weights.

You will need:
Several rocks, different shapes, washed and dried
Paint brushes
Acrylic paints in different colors
Spray varnish (optional)

Wash the rocks and allow them to dry completely. Simply paint the rocks to resemble different animals and bugs such as ladybugs, butterflies, bees, frogs and turtles, flowers.

Ladybug: Use a flat oval shaped rock, paint it red and let dry. Paint a black line down the center of the rock, and paint a black oval on as the face. Use the toothpick to make black dots on your ladybug. When dry, spray with varnish.

Bee: As with the ladybug, us a flat oval shaped rock, paint it antique gold and let it dry. Paint the ends of the rock with white for the wings, paint a criss cross pattern on the wings with antique gold. Use black to paint a few stripes and make 2 dots for the eyes, spray with varnish.

Turtle: Use a smooth, large rock for the turtle. Paint the rock light green and let dry. To make the shell, paint ovals over ¾ of the top of the rock with a lighter shade of green. Use a yellowish green to fill in the areas around the ovals, creating the shell. Dot on two black eyes. Spray with varnish.

Flowers: Paint any shaped rock with dark green and let dry. Use choice of color such as mauve or pink to paint on petals. Shade the center of the flower with yellow. When dry, spray with spray varnish.